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Logos School

Logos School of
English Education
33-35 Gialousas Str.
3071 Lemesos

Postal Address:
Logos School of
English Education
P.O. Box 51075
3501 Lemesos

Tel. +357 25336061
   or +357 25336650
Fax - +357 25335578


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12th Grade Options (September 2021)

These options have been chosen to ensure that as many students as possible can do the subjects which they have informed us they would like to take. The options may be altered if choices change as a result of the IGCSE results.

Students must choose subjects from each of the options below. Students must have gained a B grade pass or above at IGCSE/GCSE to be eligible to choose AS subjects†. Students gaining a C grade pass or a high enough school grade in an extended subject, may be eligible to join an existing class.

Students are allowed to choose study periods by opting out of some subjects.

Number of AS Subject StudiedNumber of Study Periods Allowed
One or zero2
Two2 to 4
Three or more7


  1. Sport & Exercise Science (7)
    or Biology (7) or Art or Geography(7)

  2. Accounting (5) & Applied ICT(2)
    or Chemistry(7) or ICT†* (7) or Greek(7)*

  3. English -IELTS (5) & Study periods (2)
    or Physics (7) or English (7)

  4. Psycology (5) & Current Affairs(2)
    or History (7) or Business (7)

  5. Apolytirion Maths (7)
    or Maths (7)

Compulsory subjects

Physical Education(2)

Bible Knowledge(3)

These classes follow an AS syllabus
* These classes do not continue to A-Level
(2) – The number of periods taught each week.

Grade 12 Apolytirion

The alternatives to the subjects that follow an AS syllabus are school based Apolytirion subjects. They cover a wide range of skills leading towards the Apolytirion and are not examined externally. The school reserves the right to alter these subjects. Students may take a mixture of AS and Apolytirion subjects. AS subjects will also contribute towards the Apolytirion. AS subjects are more demanding and will be weighted more heavily than the Apolytirion subjects. As of May 2018, the previously known High School Diploma is now called the Apolytirion, which is equivalent to that issued by Cypriot schools.

12th Grade Apolytirion Subjects 2021

Apolytirion Point System

As such we strongly recommend that students who are capable of doing AS subjects and meet the requirements, choose them to obtain the highest possible score on their Apolytirion.

Logos School of English Education
33-35 Gialousas Str.
3071 Lemesos

Postal Address:
Logos School of English Education
P.O. Box 51075
3501 Lemesos

Tel. +357 25336061
   or +357 25336650
Fax - +357 25335578
